Mammoth Caves

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011_8A.jpg (249502 bytes) Blake, Dana, Julia and Scott... about to enter the abyss... 020_17A.jpg (380303 bytes)
The Mammoth Caves are really big. One might say... mammoth. And cool too. Blake and Scott crawled around on our bellies for several hours, while the girls took the more civilized route. 022_19A.jpg (245473 bytes) 023_20A.jpg (317375 bytes)
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012_10.jpg (394814 bytes) 013_11.jpg (349183 bytes) 016_14.jpg (245546 bytes)
026_23A.jpg (242217 bytes) Camping was fun, especially if you ignored the 2 drunk guys trying to kill each other at the adjacent camp site. 009_6A.jpg (303360 bytes)
All in all, good clean fun. 019_16A.jpg (289852 bytes)