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VA vacation July 06 025.jpg (160511 bytes) July 4, feeling adventurous... but poor. So we pack and travel to the far corner of... the next state over- wild and wonderful Virginia. 

Where we just happen to run into Julia's brother Andrew and his main squeeze Michelle.

After some independence day mayhem, we truck on across the mountains to see if we can find some trouble.

VA vacation July 06 029.jpg (188577 bytes)
We head down the blue ridge parkway and find this cool restored farm...  VA vacation July 06 064.jpg (302494 bytes) VA vacation July 06 032.jpg (190604 bytes)
VA vacation July 06 060.jpg (359056 bytes) VA vacation July 06 031.jpg (205584 bytes) ...with wooden fences and talking chickens (hey, I gotta try and keep this stuff exciting so I don't lose you).


Then off to explore the mounts.

VA vacation July 06 036.jpg (366936 bytes) Humpback rocks...  VA vacation July 06 039.jpg (247296 bytes)
Where Scott tried to look like he was doing something dangerous (he's about 2 ft off the ground here but dont' tell him I told you), VA vacation July 06 047.jpg (250750 bytes) VA vacation July 06 044.jpg (274615 bytes)
VA vacation July 06 041.jpg (309043 bytes) ...while in fact there was nothing dangerous up on those rocks. VA vacation July 06 040.jpg (298955 bytes)

Next, stop, Crabtree falls, this incredible series of cascading falls that seemed to never stop.

VA vacation July 06 103.jpg (303129 bytes) An awesome hike VA vacation July 06 057.jpg (297276 bytes)
we highly recommend. VA vacation July 06 097.jpg (332611 bytes) VA vacation July 06 074.jpg (217268 bytes)
VA vacation July 06 108.jpg (296179 bytes) The view from the top.
VA vacation July 06 139.jpg (293654 bytes) The next day we hoofed to the top of the Priest for more spectacular spectacles. VA vacation July 06 128.jpg (303862 bytes)
VA vacation July 06 141.jpg (265257 bytes) Then on to some touristy tourism. To the natural bridge area, where we saw the amazing "Foamhenge".  VA vacation July 06 140.jpg (244981 bytes)
VA vacation July 06 219.jpg (278447 bytes) Real or foam? Look closely. Untitled-13.jpg (27897 bytes)
VA vacation July 06 143.jpg (322777 bytes) The natural bridge, one of the great wonders of nature. And the restored Native American village, one of the great wonders of... that area. VA vacation July 06 165.jpg (340669 bytes)
VA vacation July 06 168.jpg (266981 bytes) VA vacation July 06 171.jpg (264652 bytes) VA vacation July 06 183.jpg (273531 bytes)
VA vacation July 06 206.jpg (280635 bytes) And we toured the nearby caverns because they were there. Did you know it's really dark deep underground?

Then... (drum roll please)... to the... what to call it... sort of drive through, feed the animals, petting zoo park kind of place? OK, it seemed like a weird idea to us, but it was pretty cool. You basically drive your car through this zoo place and feed wild animals out of a bucket and hope they don't wreck your car or eat you. Wild.

VA vacation July 06 225.jpg (252453 bytes) VA vacation July 06 230.jpg (344733 bytes) VA vacation July 06 241.jpg (228133 bytes)
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VA vacation July 06 247.jpg (239051 bytes) VA vacation July 06 287.jpg (315223 bytes) VA vacation July 06 311.jpg (294746 bytes)
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And that's it. Hope you liked the tour! VA vacation July 06 339.jpg (354854 bytes)