Act 3- Par-Tee

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Then, we all retired into the Borden Building for a splendid reception, featuring...

A little cake..

A toast or two...

And dancing...

To the groovin' sounds of Rob Rucci on sax, Glenn Arthur on piano, Ed Wilson on drums, and Scott Holthausen on bass.


All surrounded by our dearest friends and family...

 Barb and Dad Gray  Michelle and Kim Cindy, Debbie, Ken, and Chris
 Greg, John, Melissa, and Nikki K.D. and Jay Andrew, Michelle, John, Kam, and Joey
 Linda, Fred, Elissa, LaMae, and Micheal  David and Sarah Elizabeth, Jan, Joyce, and Doris
Emily, Iris, John, Nancy, and Riley Ann Ken, Josie, and David
 Scott, Julia, and Justin Diane and Randy Jamie, Jay, Jane, Debbie, and Cyndi
 Taylor and Marie Fatima and Rita Aunt Pat and Harold
 Uncle Hol, Aunt Jan, and Andrew Judy, Julia, and Bob  Jan, Joyce, Doris, and Julia
 Melissa, Debbie, Nikki, and Carol Jay (excuse me) Dave and Dave (hey, lookout for that biker!)
 Melissa, Nikki, and John Andy, Dad, and Jon and, of course, Newt.

Act 1- Rehearsal Act 2- Zero Hour Act 3- Par-Tee

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